The Game – Sequel to The Key. Chapter 7

 try to reconcile my feelings as Kate runs her fingers down Ganriel’s ripped abs, then to his rigid cock. I can almost feel her touch as she plays with him; it’s erotic, but she’s so completely taken by his physical presence that the angst wells up in me. I know how much she loves fucking Aidan, but this is different. It occurs to me in an instant of troubling clarity that sexually, together they’re a perfectly matched couple. Is it Kate’s helpless attraction to him, or his ability to simply make her his as I watch? Does she even remember I’m present?

Gabriel looks over at me as though it’s what he expects.

“This is what you want, isn’t it? To have me fuck your pretty little wife?”

Before I can answer, Kate answers for me while keeping her eyes on his immense cock.

“He does. He likes to watch men like you fuck me.”

“You have that kind of control over him?” he asks.

Kate still doesn’t give me the slightest glance while she answers. “Keeping him hard, making him watch, making him wait until a man’s done with me – yes, it excites me. But it excites him too. It was someone in our past that…”

“Ahhh, someone who awakened his s u b m i s s i o n, and yours, to the whims of a man with a more dominant character?

“He, um, held us hostage in a way. Financially. His boss – he wanted me. He seduced me, and Billy had to allow it. In time, Billy found it exciting to surrender my body to him. It was mostly to secure our future, but then I couldn’t help myself. He was one of those men…”

“So, you’re free now? But your body aches for a man like him again?”

“I need – well, I told you what I need.” Her voice wavers, as though she’s begging but embarrassed to have to do it.

“You need what we all need, Kate,” he offers. “We come here for The Game, one Breigha and Aidan orchestrate. They’re masters of it; using their insight, imagination, and most of all, their ability to collect those with very special needs. They’ve chosen you, Billy, and myself as a perfect trio, players in a game that first promises to give everyone what they seek, and then much more. They create, they watch, and they assimilate what we provide. They feed on our deepest, most forbidden fantasies, and use them to entice others to the game. I’ve been a character in their living fantasies in the past, just as I am now. You’re the pretty wife with dark appetites, and Billy the husband who eagerly submits to them. My question for both of you is, now that you know I was chosen for you, how eager are you to play?

Billy, I’ve heard what Kate needs. As the husband, how compliant are you? Can you make the sacrifice? She’s such a delicious little thing – not many husbands could put a wife like Kate in the hands of someone like me. Can you offer me Kate’s body and do it without jealousy or possessiveness?”

“I suppose it’s like Kate said,” I began. “My boss held our future in his hands; gripped it, tightly, then squeezed until it hurt. I watched Kate submit to his seduction. It was, instant, and it shocked me. But we both needed what he promised. There was so much money, a house, the cars; there was more and more, every day. In return, he wanted Kate’s body for himself. It was all so sudden, and so enticing – my dream job, and our perfect life. I thought I could look the other way. To do that, I had to bury my jealousy. A nervous misdirection took its place. When Kate was naked in his hands, her sexual bliss somehow became arousing and exotic. He was wealthy, powerful, and dominating, with a, um, very large cock. He was everything I wasn’t – everything Kate dreamed of in a man. I just gave in to keep my eye on the prize, a better life together when we finally might escape. Then I began to like it – I mean, watching Kate and him together. It was, terrifying, mesmerizing, intoxicating, like the ultimate fetish-inducing d r u g. I was paid to let him and his associates use Kate. We took his money, and we became addicted. We couldn’t stop.”

“And now you want to continue?” he asks, with raised eyebrows. Possibly in a safer venue? One where you might have more control?”

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Hot Wife Stories: Spice up our family life Part II

We left home around 5pm, getting to the motel and taking some time to unpack the overnight bags. When Tony went in to take a shower I slipped back to the car to get my “special bag” for the evening. As he exited the bathroom he found me standing in nothing but a kick-ass pair of stiletto heels, black, thigh high stockings and a skimpy g-string. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a look on my husband’s face, but it was all radiating from approval. I gave my best sexy walk over to him, and since he was nude already, I could see his cock starting to grow from excitement. I led him to the straight back wooden chair, told him to sit down and then eagerly handcuffed his wrists behind him as well as binding his ankles. At first he looked very confused, and then asked me where I had gotten handcuffs from, I just said, “Shhhh,” and continued the captivity.

Walking back and forth in front of him, letting my ass jiggle just enough and my large breasts sway to tease him, I began explaining how the past 19 months had been all about him, him, him, his work, his schedule, his thoughts, his stories, his life, and nothing included me, so today, today was going to be MY day, whether he liked it or not. I proceeded to tell him that I would be in charge, he would call me ma’am, ask no questions, throw no rage my direction, and just accept the fact that he was now a cuckold. Before he could utter a response, there was a knock on the motel room door. I stood back as I opened it, just in case it would be housekeeping or something, but it was Butch, right on time and looking extremely excited.

As he walked into the room and took off his coat, the rest of his clothing followed, he was wasting no time, maybe thinking I would change my mind, or maybe just because of his horniness that’s been building all week long. Tony was getting furious, his face was red and the big vein on his temple was bulging, as he started to open his mouth to put up a fight, I greeted him with my fingers over his lips and said, “Remember dear, you’re a cuckold, you have nothing to say.”

Butch immediately dropped to his knees and began to lick my slit that was already extremely creamy, my clit grew quickly against his tongue and my breathing told me that this would be a day I would never forget. After two orgasms from his oral stimulation, I noticed his dick couldn’t possibly get any harder, the skin was stretched tightly. I laid back across the bed, lifting my legs high into the air, making sure we were turned in a way that Tony would see every thrusting motion we made against one another. I was surprised by Butch’s endurance, giving how long he’d waited for this, he was going to do it right.

When he buried his face in my shoulder and his body began to tremble, I knew his orgasm was approaching quickly. He pulled out of me just enough to spew my vaginal lips with his salty cum, up my belly and across my tits were covered as well. There must have been a gallon of spunk! He rolled over, trying to catch his breath as I was doing the same. I lost count of how many times my orgasm ripped through me. As per our plans when he was composed, he didn’t say a word to me or to Tony, just softly placed a kiss on my lips, got dressed and left. I turned towards my husband and his face looked drawn, disappointed and humiliated, but his cock told me how he was really feeling. I got up and walked over to his chair, unlocking the cuffs, and untying the binds on his ankles. I expected him to lurch at me with anger, but instead, he just sat. So, I brought the finishing touch of my plan in. I again laid back on the bed and told him that as my cuckold husband, he would service me and do the clean up duties. He stood up and walked to the bed, bending over his mouth gobbled up the now cold cum from my tits, belly and smooth vaginal mound, from there he parted my swollen lips and ate the creampie remnants of my cuckold experience.

We never spoke about what happened the rest of the day, and I never did let him cum, all a part of my plan. What he didn’t know was this was not going to be our first time of him being humiliated and me being pleasured.

Cuckold Stories: The Benefits of Social Networks

Working the late shift didn’t leave me a lot of personal time to do things in the normal daylight hours, so most everything I accomplished was done via online. Just like any red blooded male, whenever I logged on, I had to check out what the world of porn had to offer, what new strains of sexuality was out there being advertised and was it something that would fit the needs that I’ve felt for so very long. It’s hard to understand an itch that lies so beneath the surface that I’m not even sure what sort of title to give it, and there’s no way I could ever talk to anyone else about it, where would I begin and what would they think of me. So, I kept things to myself. But one night I created a profile on Facebook hoping to find some people who share the same interests so we could talk and discuss various movies and sites of interests.

Never using my real name of, Benjamin, I came up with something I thought was catchy and created a profile, joined several groups, read what others wrote there and checked their profile pictures. I closed the lid on my laptop and never realized what a journey these past few minutes had created for me. The next morning, over a cup of coffee I logged back on to Facebook and much to my surprise I had three messages! The first two were pretty much what I would call a standard response, “I like your profile, would you like to chat?” Yeah, ok, I won’t delete, I may be desperate one day, but it was the third that really grabbed me in areas that have never felt so stimulated. Her reply was this; “You are a worthless cuckold, you don’t deserve to have any say over your own body, and you certainly should never orgasm unless you’ve been given permission. Your only place in this world should be at my feet, catering to my needs.” I must have read this reply a hundred times before I went browsing the internet trying to find out more about the whole cuckold thing. I somehow ended up on website with many site reviews and after reading a bit more and checking the sites it finally seeped into my mind that the woman from facebook was exactly right, it was like she looked into my soul and found the person I’ve been ignoring, yes, I was a cuckold, finally, a name for it.

With my hands trembling I replied to the woman with a simple, “I’m a cuckold, at your command.” Within minutes she was back, she was again reaching inside of me and pulling forth the submissive side of my very being.

Her orders were easily understood, I didn’t question them and I certainly didn’t ignore them. The first thing I did was pick up the phone and call off work for the evening, I didn’t want anything to interrupt the plans she was making. I showered and left my apartment, driving 20+ miles to the address of the motel she gave me, I parked the car and waited in front of room 4 just like she said. About 5 minutes later this beautiful woman opened the door, she would have been a hot wife for anyone, but today she was going to be my ruler, I was going to succumb and be what she orders me to be.

I walked inside, shaking, nervous, excited and yes, hard. She pointed to a blank wall across from the king sized bed and ordered me to strip and stand in front of it. There was no hiding my erection, and she immediately noticed. Walking towards me with her long, auburn hair hanging loosely down the middle of her back, her stiletto heels cracking against the carpet with a thud that meant business, she looked me square in the eye and said, “Get as hard as you want, but if I see one drop of pre-cum dripping from that pathetic dick, you will leave immediately!

The bathroom door opened and a naked man walked into the room, with a cock twice as large as mine he immediately took her in his arms and begin to passionately kiss her. I was confused for a moment, watching her be like this seductive kitten with him and yet be so extremely harsh with me, it was conflicting, but it was also arousing. She dropped to her knees, sucking his manhood to the root, fondling his balls and then raking her long, red painted nails down the side of his bare hips. He lifted her, walked her backwards to the bed and laid her back, lifting her long legs high into the air, all I could really see was the point to her heels and the muscles in the cheeks of his ass as he thrust deeply into her vaginal area. He was fucking her with a fury like I’d never seen, and even though my own cock was more aroused than ever, I would not allow that first drop of shiny spunk to be released. I actually broke into a sexual sweat holding back from wanting to grab my dick and shoot my own load. As this male stranger’s motion quickened, I could tell he was close, I could see his testicles from behind pulling up tight and suddenly he jerked his dick free from her vice gripping vaginal walls, spurting his cum all over her thick, swollen outer lips, allowing it to drip down her slit and cover her ass cheeks as well.

Once she caught her breath she looked at me with the coldness back in her eyes, ordering me to get a hot cloth for her lover, and I did, quickly, not wanting to disappoint her in any way. This is what I have always wanted, I wanted to be a cuckold and I was determined to be the best I could. Handing him the wet towel, I went to step back into my place, but instead she spread her thighs wider and ordered me to my knees, my job as her submissive cuckold was to know cleanse her with my mouth and tongue. I spent the next 30 minutes on my knees, licking up his cold cock juices, and I’ve never felt so satisfied in my life.